Automatic Update Help

The FD client can be automatically updated via FDDM. This has obvious positives, but it does also mean that any magic the MSI would normally do via its elevated permissions will not be done during the automatic update.

  1. The FD desktop/start menu shortcut runs FluencyDirectLauncher.exe located in the Program Files directory
  2. Launcher then runs FluencyUpdate.exe located in the ProgramData directory.
    • if FluencyUpdate.exe is missing from the ProgramDat dir then Launcher will recreate it from the copy stored in ProgramFiles
  3. FluencyUpdate will contact the FDDM server to check which version of FD the workstation should be running
    • if the local version matches the one specified on FDDM then it is executed and FluencyUpdate closes
    • if the local version of FD does not match the one specified in FDDM then the desired version is downloaded from Amazon. If Amazon is unreachable then it downloads it from FDDM instead.
      • During the download, if another version of FD is available locally then it will be executed and the Downloaded copy will be used on the next FD launch
      • During the download, if no other version of FD is available then the Updater will display a splash screen with a progress bar. FD will run once the download is complete
  4. Once FluencyDirect is executed it will check if there is a copy of the updater located inside of it's own Version folder
    • if an Updater is available it indicates that this version of FD was freshly downloaded. FD then waits for Updater to close and will replace the Updater files in ProgramData with the new ones in the FD Version folder
- When the Updater asks FDDM which version should be run it will pass a list of group names and use a '$' symbol as the separator
- Case insensitive
- Must be unique
- ALL clients ask for the 'mmodal' group.
- Required
- The version of FD you'd like the client to be running
- Version zip file must be on Amazon S3
- The update path will only be valid if the TargetVersion is marked with 'available'. If you see 'download' then the path is ignored
- A 'Download' link is displayed if FDDM does not have the zip locally stored. Please upload it to Amazon S3 then click Download to attempt to download it to FDDM again.
- To force a client to run the version that was originally installed with the fd MSI, supply 'original' as the version number.
- Optional
- This version will be downloaded onto the Client's workstation but will NOT be executed. It is merely a marketing gimmick so we can say it's already available on their computer for a fast upgrade.
- The same 'Download' link information listed on TargetVersion applies here.
- When you're ready to upgrade the customer onto the StagedVersion then you'd simply set their Target to be the staged version and delete the value from the Staged field.
- Defaults to OFF
- If the FD client is newer than the TargetVersion then the path will be ignored unless ForceDowngrade is ON.
- Clicking this link will force FDDM to immediately repeat its startup routine
- All Version zip files will be checked against the MD5 received from Amazon S3
- Corrupt files will be deleted
- All UpdatePaths will be checked to see if their Target or Staged versions are stored locally. If not, then they will be downloaded from Amazon S3.
- Refresh the page to see download progress updates
- Shows the exact JSON response that an FD Client would receive
- you may enter a single group, or use a $ to separate multiple groups
- All supplied groups will be queried one at a time.
- The highest version across all of the matching groups will be the one that's returned to the Client.
- If the highest version was not marked with ForceDowngrade and it's a downgrade situation then NO version will be returned to the Client.
- If a matching group's version zip is not available then that group will be skipped over and not considered for the Highest version.
- A TargetVersion of 'original' is automatically considered to be the Highest value and is immediately returned to the Client.
- Target and Staged versions are evaluated independently.